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Business Insurance

Business insurance is a protection plan that is created between an insurance company and the proprietor of a business. The purpose of the plan is to protect the business from any number of negative situations. These situations can include employee injury, the inability to do business in a certain municipality, losses from investments and a changing of the guard.

Who It Is For:

Anyone who owns a business should have a business protection plan. This goes for people who own Fortune 500 companies and people who own their own independent contractor business. Depending on the industry that a business person is in, he or she may need to retain insurance for legal purposes. Having the appropriate kind of insurance is also a great investment if you are looking to do business with top vendors and suppliers in certain industries. Many of them will not do business with a company that does not have insurance or some kind of protection.

How It Works:

A business protection plan is created and customized based on the business that it is protecting. Depending on the individual points in that plan, the insurance company will pay out lump sums of money when a certain situation happens within the business. Usually, there is a deductible that will need to be met by the proprietor of the business. However, even this clause can be struck out depending on the nature of the agreement between the business and the insurance company.

Different Types Of Coverage In Existence:

Different kinds of business coverage packages are meant for different size businesses. For instance, the type of business protection that a Fortune 500 company has will be slightly different from the protection that your local plumber has.

Major Benefits:

There is one huge benefit of all business protection plans no matter what size business therefore. They all protect the proprietor of the business and his or her personal assets from collection in case of a judgment against the business.


Commercial Auto Insurance

Personal insurance is designed to cover certain incidents. Commercial auto insurance will meet the coverage needs of vehicles used for business purposes. Commercial auto coverage yields savings in offering the right amount of coverage for specific needs.

What It Is:

Commercial insurance covers any incidents involving a vehicle operated by you or an employee. In the event of an accident, the vehicle will have sufficient coverage to handle any claims or injuries. All drivers and any driving activity will be covered as a part of a plan.

Who It Is For:

If you drive the vehicle to provide a service or transport goods for a fee, you may need protection. Of you work in a high-risk field, your liability requirements should be much higher. A commercial policy offers another level of coverage. If you have employees that drive the vehicle for business purposes or if you tow vehicles for commercial reasons, you should consider getting a policy.

How It Works:

The commercial policy will cover any claims filed against the company if an accident occurs. Much like a traditional policy, the commercial policy extends the legal protection mandated by the state as well as any additional coverage needed.

Different Types Of Coverage In Existence:

In addition to the basic policy, several add-ons are available to offer maximum coverage. Liability coverage can be extended for non-owned vehicles or contract workers. Any mobile equipment can be covered under a special liability protection option. Coverage is also available for hired support when a personal vehicle may be in use.

Major Benefits:

Businesses have gone bankrupt over serious accidents due to inadequate coverage. A company may find their profits on the line if they lack sufficient coverage if an expensive claim is filed. A higher level of protection protects the company’s assets, employees and property if a vehicle is every operated for business purposes.

If you have started a business, driven a vehicle for business use, or have purchased one for commercial purposes, you may need a commercial auto insurance quote today to ensure protection. Contact us today for a commercial policy review to verify that you have adequate coverage.


Workplace Benefits

Recreational vehicles insurance is a type of insurance that is meant only for a particular type of motor vehicle. The recreational vehicle is defined as a motorized two wheel or four wheel vehicle that can be operated on most roads. However, the recreational vehicle is usually not fast enough to operate on public thoroughfares such as highways and streets.

Who It Is For:

If you are the owner of a recreational vehicle of any type, then you may need to have insurance for that recreational vehicle in order to operate it legally in public. Having this type of insurance is also a good measure for people who do not have the ability to pay out-of-pocket for 80 accidents that may occur while the driver is in control of a recreational vehicle.

How It Works:

A recreational vehicle protection package begins to pay out a lump sum of money after the deductible has been paid on an insurance claim that is involving a recreational vehicle. The claim that a person must be valid. This claim will usually be checked by the insurance company for its validity in a number of ways before the insurance company will agree to pay out any lump sum of money. The deductible must also be fully paid.

Different Types Of Coverage In Existence:

Different types of recreational vehicles have varying insurance packages that are meant specifically for them. Because of the wide variety of recreational vehicles that are on the market, many different types of insurance packages can be drawn up.

Major Benefits:

Primarily, the recreational insurance protection package teach the driver of the recreational vehicle financially and medically prepared for any accident that may occur. Additionally, there is a legal responsibility that may need to be fulfilled as well.

Business Insurance
Commercial Auto Insurance
Workplace Benefits
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MBN Insurance and Financial Services Inc. offers a wide variety of high-quality and fully customizable insurance packages and solutions for all of our clients’ insurance needs. Schedule a consultation today to learn what we can do for you.

© 2023 by MBN Insurance & Financial Services Inc.

                       Created by Meera Manikandan Nair.

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